Tourism Gazette

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Stowaway Found Unconscious After Paris Flight Raises Grave Concerns

airline worker

Paris – A tragic discovery of a stowaway in critical condition upon landing in Paris underscores the immense risks of illegally accessing aircraft compartments mid-flight.

Ground staff at Charles de Gaulle Airport came across the unidentified man in his 20s while conducting routine checks of an Air Algérie jet arriving from Oran, Algeria. Authorities indicate the aircraft had just completed the roughly 2.5 hour flight when the unconscious stowaway was found.

Given the extreme environmental conditions endured when secreted away in unpressurized wheel wells or cargo holds, stowaways face immense life-threatening challenges surviving such journeys. At normal cruising altitudes of 30,000 to 40,000 feet, the subzero temperatures range from -50°C to -60°C (-58°F to -76°F) along with drastic oxygen deprivation. The chances of surviving more than a few hours under such conditions are exceptionally slim.

Regrettably, many stowaways do not make it out alive given the punishing elements. In 2019, the body of a stowaway on a flight from Nairobi, Kenya to London tragically fell to earth after the landing gear compartment where he hid opened mid-flight.

Authorities have not disclosed insights into the motivation or identity of the latest Paris stowaway pending further investigation. However, some analysts believe intensifying economic desperation and instability in parts of North Africa play a role in the uptick of illegal and deadly migration attempts.

The harsh reality is that even those discovered still breathing often sustain irreparable long-term damage from hypoxia, frostbite, and decompression. While specific security improvements may curb the troubling trend, experts say broader socio-economic issues and instability must also be addressed. Until then, the world awaits the heartbreaking news of yet another stowaway perishing in a place never designed for human survival.

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