Tourism Gazette

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Somalia Becomes 8th Member of Expanding East African Trade Bloc


The East African Community (EAC) heads of state unanimously approved Somalia’s admission into the prominent African trade bloc on Friday, ushering the Horn of Africa nation in as the group’s 8th member. Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud heralded the milestone as historic while highlighting significant mutual benefits from deeper regional integration.

Read also: EAC welcomes Kenya and Tanzania waiving visas for DRC citizens.

Meeting in Arusha, Tanzania for their 23rd Ordinary Summit, EAC leadership considered a report by the bloc’s Council of Ministers assessing Somalia’s bid. They resolved to welcome Somalia just over a year after admitting the Democratic Republic of Congo as the 7th member in late 2021. The Chairman of the Summit, South Sudan’s President Salva Kiir Mayardit, will sign Somalia’s formal accession treaty on a date to be determined. Thereafter, Somalia must ratify the treaty domestically within six months to seal its full EAC membership.


In the meantime, the regional body aims to develop a transition roadmap assisting Somalia’s incorporation into joint trading mechanisms, infrastructure networks, and development programs. This will smooth the country’s path towards full participation in EAC structures.

Read also: East African Community continues on a trajectory of expansion

President Mohamud stressed Somalia’s eagerness to cooperate as the community furthers African integration. He touted his country’s 3,000 mile Indian Ocean coastline as an asset improving maritime trade logistics while vowing Somalia would foster harmony and commerce within its borders after decades of conflict.


Observers hailed the EAC’s enlargement as progress for pan-African ideals of prosperous, borderless economies. With a cumulative population now surpassing 300 million, the powerful trade alliance also burnishes its diplomatic clout and market sway. Both visitors and member country citizens stand to benefit tremendously from freer cross-border mobility. Tourism flows in particular should thrive thanks to the addition of Somalia’s attractions like ancient cave art, pristine beaches, and architectural heritage sites.


However, some analysts questioned whether Somalia meets baseline stability thresholds conducive for gaining from wider EAC ties lacking major ongoing security issues. Somalia continues battling Islamist militants like Al Shabaab and still relies on an African Union peacekeeping force. Nonetheless, EAC heads of state called Somalia’s extensive membership negotiations conclusive despite lingering violence in certain regions. Somalia’s leadership expressed full commitments to consensus targets around democracy, human rights, governance and rule of law.


EAC members also cited Somalia’s notable progress rebuilding national institutions after decades of conflict as justification for its admission. They voiced optimism that broader social and economic revitalization tied to EAC integration would accelerate domestically as overall security improves. With the EAC riding high off DRC’s smooth accession, leaders relished the opportunity to incorporate another highly populous economy full of untapped potential. Somalia’s complex obstacles now get addressed collectively through East African partnerships rather than in isolation.

By welcoming Somalia, the EAC puts its pan-African ideals into practice, offering the rewards and responsibilities of membership to a long-marginalized Horn of Africa country eager to rebuild. As national leaders framed it, shared borders should unite rather than divide.

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