Tourism Gazette

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Rwanda offer Visa-Free Travel to all Africans.

H.E Paul Kagame
Rwandan president H.E, Paul Kagame

On November 2nd, 2023, Rwanda announced a new visa-free travel policy allowing all African citizens to visit the country without a visa and at no cost. Rwandan president H.E, Paul Kagame declared that the change would take effect immediately as a step towards greater mobility across the African continent.

Rwanda is the latest African nation to adopt a visa-free stance. The move signals a shift towards smoother travel and increased pan-African tourism. According to Kagame, unified visa policies can help promote Africa as a single travel destination.

Read also: Kenya to Eliminate Visas for All African Travelers in Boost to Continental Unity

Currently, intra-continental tourism accounts for only 27% of travel within Africa. By waiving visa requirements, nations hope to boost cross-border journeys and cultivate a more connected continent. The African Union set a goal for visa-free travel across Africa by 2023, modeling it after Europe’s Schengen Zone.

In effort to bolster tourism and economic growth, Rwanda is now at the forefront of this effort. Nicknamed the “Land of a Thousand Hills”, Rwanda entices visitors with volcanoes, forests, lakes, and rare wildlife. Tourism is the country’s top foreign exchange earner. By removing visa barriers, Rwanda aims to welcome even more African explorers.

With the new policy in place, citizens of African nations can spontaneously book trips to Rwanda without applying for visas in advance. This facilitates free movement and regional integration. RwandAir and other carriers are expected to benefit from increased travel bookings.

President Kagame envisions united African tourism someday rivaling major markets like Europe and North America. The country is also reviewing fees for East African citizens and ease of doing business regulations. By prioritizing visa-free travel, Rwanda paves the way for a future of open borders across Africa.

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