Tourism Gazette

The pulse of the tourism industry

Redefining Domestic Tourism in Rwanda: The Case for Harmonized Pricing

gorilla and baby gorilla

Rwanda’s spectacular natural landscapes, wildlife, and cultural heritage make it one of Africa’s most remarkable destinations. Tourism is the backbone of the economy, bringing in crucial foreign exchange and supporting livelihoods. But Rwanda has yet to tap the full potential of one significant market, domestic tourism.

To catalyze growth in this sector, Rwanda should change the conventional definition of “domestic tourists” and implement harmonized pricing. By combining both Rwandan nationals and foreign residents as domestic tourists with equal access to deals, Rwanda can unlock immense economic and social benefits.

Defining the Domestic Travel Market

Domestic tourism refers to the activities of a country’s residents traveling within their own country. It accounts for over 80% of tourism worldwide, making it critical for sustaining the industry. Traditionally in Rwanda, only citizens have been considered domestic tourists. But a broader definition should include foreign residents who have lived in Rwanda for over one year. This segment is a largely untapped source of revenue that could contribute significantly to the domestic travel market if welcomed.

Currently, foreign residents face pricing discrepancies that deter them from exploring Rwanda as their adopted home. A foreign resident permit grants stay eligibility but doesn’t confer the same domestic tourist privileges as citizens receive. To catalyze this market, foreign residents should be reclassified as domestic tourists.

Why Harmonized Pricing is Essential

Under the status quo, foreign residents pay higher rates for park entries, gorilla permits, tours and other activities compared to Rwandan citizens. This unequal pricing excludes long-term foreign residents from accessing Rwanda’s wonders as affordably as locals can. For instance, mountain gorilla trekking, the crown jewel of Rwanda’s tourism, foreign residents currently pay $500 compared to $200 for Rwandans. Equalizing the fee would make gorilla encounters accessible to thousands of new domestic travelers. Also, at Buhanga Eco Park, Rwandans pay 5,000 RWF, foreign residents pay $50; Using the current forex that is more than ten times more.

To make Rwanda’s remarkable tourism offerings accessible to all residents, pricing should be made equitable. Rwandans and foreign residents alike should be able to enjoy Rwanda’s beauty at fair domestic rates.

Zebra @ Akagera National Park

Benefits of Harmonized Pricing

  1. Revenue Growth

Equitable pricing will incentivize thousands of foreign residents to explore Rwanda more frequently. Their increased spending will directly boost tourism operators, accommodation providers, restaurants, transport firms, guides and more. This new segment’s contributions can significantly expand domestic tourism revenue.

  1. Social Inclusion

Equal pricing enables foreign residents to feel more welcomed and included in their adopted homeland. It strengthens social bonds when all residents can access the country’s natural treasures at the same rates. This will foster a more cohesive, inclusive society.

  1. Sustainability


As more residents visit Rwanda’s parks and protected areas, they will better appreciate these natural wonders and support their conservation. Growing domestic demand ensures Rwanda’s wildlife and landscapes are valued and safeguarded.

  1. Competitive Differentiation

By becoming the first country in Africa to equalize domestic tourism pricing, Rwanda can distinguish itself as a progressive, forward-thinking destination. It will also motivate Rwandans to engage more in tourism activities seeing foreign residents engaging in tourism activities. This fairness will bolster Rwanda’s reputation globally, conveying its commitment to inclusivity.

Boosting Domestic Tourism for Shared Prosperity

canopy walk
Canopy walk @ Nyungwe National Park

Rwanda currently misses out on significant revenue because long-term foreign residents lack incentive to tour domestically due to high prices. Making tourism affordable for all residents will unlock this potential. More access and affordability will translate to more spending benefitting local communities.

More residents participating in domestic tourism spreads prosperity. As foreign residents explore and spend locally, income opportunities expand, tour operators, guides, drivers, chefs, maids, farmers supplying produce, artisans selling crafts and countless others across Rwanda.

Beyond the economic case, harmonized pricing can also accelerate social integration between Rwandans and foreign residents. Rwandans and long-term foreign residents alike cherish their home in Rwanda and share pride in its beauty. By dismantling pricing barriers, harmonization policies convey that citizenship is about more than passports. It is about embracing Rwanda’s singular landscapes and wildlife as collectively shared heritage to value.

Such progressive policymaking will set Rwanda apart on the global stage. No other country in Africa has taken this step to welcome foreign residents into the domestic tourism sphere. By doing so, Rwanda can become a model of inclusion, sustainability and social unity through tourism.

The Time is Now

By redefining domestic tourists and implementing harmonized pricing, Rwanda can realize substantial economic, social and conservation dividends. The policy is fiscally prudent, culturally unifying and environmentally sustainable.

Rwanda’s sights belong to all its residents. The soaring peaks, misty forests, diverse wildlife and living heritage can be treasured in common at shared rates. It is time to boldly reimagine domestic tourism as inclusive and equitable. Rwanda’s next chapter of growth should be written together by all who proudly call it home.

As the nation continues to welcome residents from around the world, this inclusive approach will ensure that all who call Rwanda home can equally enjoy its diverse and captivating tourism products.

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