Prolonged Israel-Gaza Violence Keeps Tourists from Jordan as Hotel Closures Mount

Amman – As violent clashes between Israeli forces and Gaza’s ruling militant group Hamas rage on, the economically devastating fallout for neighboring Jordan’s tourism industry worsens by the day heading into late 2023. With the conflict now exceeding over a month with no resolution in sight, the ripple effects undermining travel to stable Jordan only intensify.
According to Jordan Hotel Association Deputy Chairman Hussein Hilalat, the extended crisis has seen hotel occupancy rates plummet below 10% across popular destinations like Amman, Petra and the Dead Sea. Wary tourists continue staying home, forcing numerous hotels to shutter entirely and send thousands of employees home without work. “Each day the violence continues, more hotels cease operations entirely. The ongoing conflict is strangling our tourism sector,” Hilalat lamented.
While far removed from missile strikes, Jordan remains saddled by proximity as jittery tourists assume unrest permeates the entire Levant region. Repeated government travel warnings for Western visitors to avoid Israel, Palestine and neighbors like Jordan further fan assumptions it is unsafe.
With the lifeblood of international tourism slowed to a trickle since October, Jordan now faces its second straight peak season loss devastating for businesses, employees and communities relying on visitor dollars.
As Hilalat stressed repeatedly, reminding the world that Jordan remains secure and prepared to safely welcome guests is vital for eventual post-conflict recovery. But each day the crisis rages on, the light at the end of the tunnel dimming Jordan’s battered tourism economy inches farther away.
Jordanians hold out hope that the embattled tourism sector will bounce back rapidly once stability returns and global travelers shake off outdated risk perceptions. But until the deafening blasts subside allowing tourists to again unleash their pent-up wanderlust, the country braces itself for a painful slog.