Tourism Gazette

The pulse of the tourism industry

Northern Ireland Unveils Ambitious 10-Year Tourism Growth Plan


Northern Ireland has set its sights on becoming a world-class tourism destination through an ambitious new 10-year strategy. The plan aims to increase the value of tourism to Northern Ireland’s economy by 50-75% over 2019 levels by 2032.

Unveiled by the Department for the Economy, the “Tourism Strategy for Northern Ireland: 10 Year Plan” provides a framework to capitalize on tourism’s vital economic contributions. The sector brings over £1 billion in annual spending and supports 71,000 jobs across Northern Ireland currently.

With sustainability as a core focus, the strategy envisions establishing Northern Ireland as a year-round destination renowned for authentic experiences, stunning landscapes, and rich cultural heritage. Five key themes – innovative, inclusive, sustainable, attractive, and collaborative – will drive strategic intentions over the next decade.

On the innovation front, the plan focuses on harnessing creativity to boost competitiveness and sustainability. Goals include increasing tourism businesses’ digital capabilities, participation in innovation programs, and attracting more high-value conferences and events.

To promote inclusivity, the strategy aims to improve job quality, career pathways, and workforce diversity. This will spread tourism’s benefits more equitably across all communities.

Sustainability commitments include growing annual participation in green certification programs and helping firms decarbonize. The plan notes tourism’s reliance on aviation and the need to balance connectivity with emission reductions.

Attracting visitors year-round and driving repeat visitation are priorities to make Northern Ireland more attractive internationally. Strategic investments through City and Growth Deals will add tourism infrastructure to boost appeal.

Read More: Draft Tourism Strategy for Northern Ireland: 10 Year Plan

Finally, collaboration between government, industry and communities will be critical to delivering the shared vision. Partnership opportunities like an all-island sustainability certification will be key.

With the right policies implemented, Northern Ireland’s unique landscapes, heritage and culture can captivate global audiences while enriching local life. The 10-year roadmap provides direction to sustainably develop tourism’s enormous growth potential.

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