Tourism Gazette

The pulse of the tourism industry

Morocco’s Tourism Revenues Soar to Nearly $9 Billion Driven by Record Visitor Numbers


Rabat – Morocco experienced tidal wave of visitors in 2023, with tourism revenue hitting new heights of MAD 88.5 billion ($8.96 billion) in the first 10 months of the year. Propelled by the highest numbers of international arrivals ever recorded, the staggering revenue reflects a thriving rebound taking Morocco’s tourism sector into overdrive.

According to statistics from Morocco’s Directorate of Studies and Financial Forecasts (DEPF), tourism earnings from January to October 2023 marked a robust 20.7% annual increase over the previous year. Remarkably, the figures also represent a 32% surge compared to pre-pandemic revenue in 2019 – suggesting Morocco’s tourism appeal is greater than ever. The uptick is further evidenced in airport arrivals, which reached the unprecedented milestone of 13.2 million visitors by the end of November alone, per DEPF data. Morocco anticipates closing out 2023 with a total 15 million arrivals, driven partially by Moroccans living abroad.

In October, tourism revenue saw particular acceleration, spiking 22.1% compared to 2019 levels. Morocco’s Tourism Minister Fatim-Zahra Ammor attributed the continuous growth to the Kingdom optimizing promotion of its cultural heritage and natural attractions.

Niche tourism segments like luxury desert excursions or surfing also helped Morocco diversify its offerings beyond classic staples like Marrakesh and the Atlas Mountains. “We adopted a strategy based on promoting cultural heritage and natural resources,” Ammor explained. “We also worked to develop promising niches.”

As visitor confidence and numbers continue swelling, Morocco is actively developing infrastructure upgrades like new hotel properties and airport expansions to meet demand. Officials are also focused on ensuring tourism sustainability through local job creation, environmental protections, and visitor dispersion beyond marquee cities.

With Northern Africa’s top destination bustling at the seams and revenue soaring, no doubt intrepid travelers worldwide will soon be craving their own taste of Morocco’s irresistible cultural and scenic splendors.

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