Tourism Gazette

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Malaysia Rolls Out Visa-Free Entry for Indian Visitors in Tourism Boost


In a major tourism development, Malaysia has launched a visa-free entry facility for Indian passport holders. As of November 11th, Indian citizens can now travel to Malaysia without securing a visa in advance for quick trips up to 15 or 30 days.

Announced by Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim, the policy change lets Indians plan trips on short notice while scrapping lengthy visa procurement procedures. The streamlined entry aims to reinvigorate Malaysia’s tourism sector by tapping into fast-growing outbound Indian demand.

Under the new rules, Indians traveling solely for tourism can enter Malaysia without visas for 15 days, while 30 day visa-free durations apply for other eligible purposes like social visits or business meetings.

To qualify, visitors cannot take employment or engage in missionary work and must hold an eVisa printed prior to departure. The online eVisa simply fast-tracks immigration clearance without requiring consular bureaucratic steps that traditionally delayed or deterred Indian travelers.

The Prime Minister stated Malaysia is targeting increased arrivals from South Asian countries, and the pre-approved visa waiver for Indians intends to achieve this goal. Malaysia trails regional rivals like Singapore and Thailand in attracting global visitors. Simplifying the entry process makes travel planning easier for newly targeted nationalities.

Tourism infrastructure upgrades across Malaysia in recent years, including new airline routes, also better position it to accommodate growth. As pandemic restrictions ease worldwide, projections show Indians rank behind only China for highest outbound travel spending growth through 2026.

Thus, Malaysia enacted its open-door policy for Indian holidaymakers at an opportune time. Other visa-free enticements like 30 days for Chinese visitors further demonstrate the country’s hunger for tourism’s economic infusion.

The Malaysian Association of Tour and Travel Agents already foresees 10-15 percent jumps in Indian arrivals following the hassle-free entry upgrade. By removing previous visa hassles, Malaysia expects bookings to match soaring Indian wanderlust as it diversifies from traditional western visitor strongholds.

With India projected to boast the world’s third largest travel market by 2030, Malaysia wisely courts the high-potential country with open arms. Its visa-free entry mat for Indian tourists seems certain to unfold a rewarding reception.

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