Tourism Gazette

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Kenya to Eliminate Visas for All African Travelers in Boost to Continental Unity

President of the Republic of Kenya – H.E William Samoei Ruto
President of the Republic of Kenya – H.E William Samoei Ruto

Kenyan President William Ruto announced this past Saturday that the country will lift visa requirements for all African citizens by the end of 2023. Speaking at the Summit of the World’s Three Major Tropical Forest Basins in Brazzaville, Congo, Ruto shared the news of this historic policy shift to boost intra-African trade and unity.

“By the end of this year, no African will need a visa to enter Kenya,” declared Ruto. “We look forward to increased cooperation and exchanges with our brothers and sisters across the continent.”

The visa-free allowance for Africans traveling to Kenya will accelerate the country’s efforts to champion pan-Africanism and economic prosperity. Kenya already allows visa-free entry for citizens from over 100 countries. Now it will fully open its borders to all African visitors.

“This move will no doubt stimulate trade, cultural sharing, and integration within Africa as envisaged under the spirit of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA),” said Kenyan Tourism Minister Peninah Malonza. About 1.3 billion people stand to benefit from the historic agreement establishing the AfCFTA common market.

According to Ruto, Kenya’s bold step also aims to reciprocally encourage other African nations to eliminate visa barriers. Streamlined movement and deeper cross-border engagement will fuel entrepreneurship, innovation, and sustainable development.

From tourists eager to explore Kenya’s renowned Maasai Mara and coastline to business leaders pursuing new opportunities, this change unlocks immense potential. Building a borderless Africa has been an enduring dream of the continent’s post-independence leaders.

As Ruto summarized, “Opening our doors wider to fellow Africans reflects a spirit of brotherhood, mutual prosperity, and progress.”

With this milestone visa policy adjustment, Kenya is writing an exciting new chapter in Africa’s ascendancy this century. Soon, the wildebeest won’t be the only ones freely migrating across borders as African travelers get set to rediscover their continent’s riches.

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