Tourism Gazette

The pulse of the tourism industry

Global Tourism Resilience Day Shines Spotlight on Building Sustainability

tourism resilience

As the world continues recovering from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, this year’s Global Tourism Resilience Day on February 17th highlights the importance of building long-term sustainability and resilience in the tourism industry. Established by the United Nations General Assembly in 2021, Global Tourism Resilience Day aims to promote strategies that allow tourism to withstand unpredictable disruptions and bounce back stronger.

The day calls attention to tourism as a critical sector for achieving the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. When managed responsibly, tourism can drive economic growth, create jobs, reduce poverty, and motivate environmental protection. However, the industry’s heavy reliance on travel and human interaction also leaves it vulnerable to shocks like pandemics, natural disasters, and political unrest.

Building resilience requires tourism stakeholders to proactively assess risks, develop emergency response plans, and invest in crisis recovery. Strategies include diversifying tourism products and markets, improving infrastructure and technology, training workers, and collaborating across sectors. Many experts emphasize the need for more sustainable, regenerative models focused on benefiting local communities.

As the third largest export category globally, tourism supports livelihoods and brings economic gain to countries around the world. The sector employs 1 in 10 people worldwide and comprises over 10% of global GDP. For developing nations especially, tourism serves as an essential source of foreign exchange earnings, tax revenues, and jobs.

Global Tourism Resilience Day promotes tourism as a unique force for fostering cross-cultural understanding and environmental conservation. The day reminds governments, businesses, and travelers that ensuring tourism’s long-term viability requires planning for inevitable disruptions. With shared commitment to resilience, the sector can continue driving inclusive growth, protecting nature, and connecting people in our interdependent world.

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