Tourism Gazette

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Ghana Rolls Out Red Carpet with New 46-Day Visa on Arrival


Pack your bags and get ready to immerse yourself in Ghana’s rich culture and savor its natural beauty, a new 46-day visa on arrival makes visiting easier than ever.

As part of the government’s ambitious 10-year “Beyond the Return” initiative launched in 2019, Ghana welcomes travelers from all corners of the world to explore its colorful markets, surf volcano-sand beaches, hike rainforest waterfalls, and trace histories from Cape Coast Castle to Jamestown.

And now eager globetrotters can skip the hassle of pre-applying for visas thanks to a newly-introduced visa on arrival program valid from December 1, 2023 to January 15, 2024. The streamlined process saves time and paperwork.

The 46-day visa sets the stage for even bigger plans down the road, discussions are underway to allow all African citizens and members of the African diaspora to enter visa-free in the future. This would put Ghana in a small but growing league of countries like Rwanda, Seychelles and Benin that permit barrier-free travel across the continent.


The new visa on arrival scheme came together through coordinated efforts between Ghana’s ministries of Foreign Affairs, Interior, Tourism, the Immigration Service and the Ghana Tourism Authority. It’s part of a larger vision to boost tourism and forge deeper connections worldwide.

According to Foreign Minister Ayorkor Botchwey, “Ghana is taking steady steps to make it easier for anyone with African roots or interests to return, explore business opportunities or simply reconnect with this vibrant country we proudly call home.”

So pack a sense of adventure, practice a few local Akan phrases and prepare to immerse yourself in Ghana’s rich culture, tropical landscapes and the welcoming spirit of its people. With the doors now wide open, all that’s left is to decide where your Ghanaian journey will take you first.

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