Tourism Gazette

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Football Superstar Messi Scores Big for Saudi Arabia’s Booming Tourism Vision


Riyadh – In a bold marketing move that is turning heads worldwide, Saudi Arabia has enlisted the legendary Lionel Messi to shatter preconceptions about the Kingdom and score big for its visionary tourism ambitions. The “Go Beyond What You Think” campaign featuring the Argentine soccer icon is a game-changing play to redefine how the world views this ancient desert realm.

With a daring kick that smashes straight through stereotypes, Messi’s presence in the eye-catching advertisements symbolizes Saudi Arabia’s determination to surprise global travelers and unveil the rich cultural experiences awaiting the world’s explorers. From breathtaking natural wonders and ancient archaeological marvels to ultra-modern cities blending tradition with innovation, the campaign asserts there’s far more to discover in this storied land.

“We want to challenge the misconceptions and preconceived notions that people may have,” explains Fahd Hamidaddin, CEO of the Saudi Tourism Authority. “Saudi Arabia offers a wealth of incredible destinations and experiences that many simply aren’t aware of.” The $25 million Messi promotional blitz is just the latest power move in Saudi’s grand $1 trillion Vision 2030 plan to reinvent itself as a must-visit tourist hub over the next decade. With an all-out push to diversify from oil dependence, the Kingdom is investing massively in tourism as a key economic driver.

Early results suggest the Messi magic is already working its spell. Saudi authorities reported a 121% surge in tourism arrivals in the first two months of 2023 compared to the previous year, including a remarkable 600% spike from European travelers alone. “Lionel Messi is one of the most recognizable people on earth, adored by billions,” adds Hamidaddin. “Who better to open people’s minds and shift global perceptions about what Saudi Arabia has to offer as an exciting tourism destination?”

Saudi’s ambitious tourism vision aims to create immersive adventures showcasing 6,000 years of Arabian culture and heritage. From unexplored deserts and lush date gardens to ancient cities carved from rock, the opportunities for intrepid explorers are as vast as the Kingdom itself. With a dynamic young population embracing change, Saudi is determined to go beyond expectations and become an international tourism powerhouse. As Messi’s presence so boldly declares, it’s time for curious travelers to leave their assumptions behind and experience the incredible surprises awaiting in Arabia’s remarkable reinvention.

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