Tourism Gazette

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Ethiopia Secures New Sea Access Through Deal to Use Somaliland’s Port of Berbera

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L-R – Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and Somaliland President, Muse Bihi Abdi

Addis Ababa – Landlocked Ethiopia has signed an agreement granting access to the Red Sea port of Berbera in the breakaway republic of Somaliland, unlocking a new channel for maritime trade.

The deal provides Ethiopia a supplemental gateway to global shipping lanes beyond its sole current dependency – the port of Djibouti to the east. As part of the agreement, Ethiopia would become the first nation to officially recognize Somaliland’s sovereignty.

Somaliland President Muse Bihi Abdi stated that Ethiopia’s planned recognition would “open the door” for further diplomatic ties. Somaliland unilaterally declared independence in 1991 as Somalia descended into civil war, but still lacks international recognition.

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For Ethiopia, the Berbera port access diversifies its trade capacity, reducing over-reliance on Djibouti which handles approximately 95% of all its exports and imports currently. The new deal echoes a 2018 partnership between landlocked Ethiopia and Eritrea to the north regaining Red Sea access via Eritrean ports.

Ethiopia lost all coastal access when Eritrea seceded in 1993 after a three-decade war for independence. With Ethiopia’s economy growing at record levels, expanded sea trade routes are essential to maintain momentum.


The agreement comes as Somaliland also formalizes ties with Somalia, marking a potential shift toward reconciliation after decades of discord since its separation. Collaboration with Ethiopia and Somalia represents efforts by Somaliland leaders to boost the country’s self-declared autonomy and nascent economy.

For Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, the Berbera deal provides a new channel of trade continuity, which some analysts consider a diplomatic counterbalance to Djibouti’s powerful position currently. It signifies shrewd leveraging of economic and transport infrastructure to strengthen regional dynamics.

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