Tourism Gazette

The pulse of the tourism industry

Egypt’s Tourism Revenues Soar to $13.2B in 2023


Cairo – Egypt’s tourism sector received a major boost in 2023, with revenues climbing 8% to reach $13.2 billion according to government officials. The country attracted over 14.9 million visitors last year, nearing pre-pandemic highs. After COVID-19 severely impacted travel, Egypt is making an impressive rebound. Tourism numbers regularly exceeded 2 million monthly visitors in 2023. Officials reported tourists spent an average of $93 per day, staying 9.5 nights.

The sector’s revival is key for Egypt’s economy. Pre-pandemic, tourism accounted for 12% of Egypt’s GDP and employed over 2 million people. The country now aims to increase annual revenues to $30 billion within three years. Several factors are driving growth. Political stability since the 2011 revolution has eased security concerns. Egypt also invested heavily in new attractions like the Grand Egyptian Museum and upgraded infrastructure.

Simplified e-visa policies made it easier for key markets like China, India and Saudi Arabia to visit. Marketing campaigns promoted Egypt’s timeless wonders, from Luxor’s Valley of the Kings to Sharm El Sheikh’s coral reefs. Minister of Tourism Ahmed Issa celebrated the achievements, stating: “2023 was a year of records for Egyptian tourism. We are enhancing experiences to share our history and culture with the world.”

However, industry experts warn recovery remains fragile. Continued growth requires energy affordability, aviation capacity, and flexible COVID-19 measures. With the right policies in place, Egypt is optimistic tourism can stimulate development nationwide. The sector provides crucial opportunities for young people in a country where youth unemployment remains high.

If Egypt can attract 17 million annual visitors by 2025 as targeted, the future looks bright. For a civilization that has welcomed wayfarers along the Nile for millennia, tourism is part of Egypt’s heritage and destiny. Last year’s numbers signal Egyptian tourism has rebounded, ready to fulfill its potential.

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