Tourism Gazette

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East Africa Showcases Spectacular Tourism Offerings at Joint Expo Event

eac expo

Two of Africa’s premier tourism industry showcases, the East Africa Regional Tourism Expo (EARTE) and Magical Kenya Travel Expo (MKTE), are combining forces for an epic 2023 joint exhibition in Nairobi. Set for November 20-22 at the Kenyatta International Convention Center, the unified event promises unmatched regional travel and tourism networking.

Organized annually by the Kenya Tourism Board, the MKTE brings together over 250 tourism suppliers with 160 top travel agents from target markets. Following curated familiarization trips across Kenya, attendees engage in pre-scheduled B2B appointments over three days using an intuitive matchmaking platform.

panelist east africa regional tourism expo

Meanwhile, EARTE provides a platform for East African Community (EAC) partner states to collectively promote regional travel opportunities to consumers and industry players. The travel fair rotates host countries each year, from Tanzania in 2021 to Burundi in 2022 and now Kenya.

With Kenya hosting EARTE’s third edition, organizers chose to co-locate it with MKTE to enhance engagement. They expect the fused exhibition to offer unmatched exposure and business potential.

regional expo

By converging, the two events effectively showcase the diversity of experiences available across East African destinations to global travel trade and media. From Kenya’s spectacular wildlife safaris to the tropical beaches of Tanzania and Uganda’s adventure tourism, the joint expo provides the perfect stage.

Magical Kenya Travel Expo

The MKTE component maintains its proven format connecting buyers and exhibitors through its signature matchmaking software. With prescheduled B2B appointments, both regional suppliers and international buyers maximize networking in Nairobi through curated engagement.

magical kenya

The hybrid event also showcases the latest travel trends, tourism technology innovations and knowledge sharing via seminars and workshops. Attendees gain destination inspiration and insights to inform tourism development and marketing.

By combining EARTE’s regional scope with MKTE’s structured networking, East Africa’s bountiful tourism offerings receive elevated exposure on global platforms. As tourism bounces back post-pandemic, the joint expo arrives at an ideal time to reboot regional growth.

Kenya Tourism Board CEO Dr. Betty Radier expressed excitement to host the monumental affair. She said Kenya’s tourism gems require little introduction, but EARTE allows lesser known regional attractions to shine. By fusing events, East Africa’s spectacular leisure, adventure and business offerings take center stage.

The jam-packed program has something for everyone. Through fusion of the EARTE and MKTE powerhouse events, African travel connections and collaborations will undoubtedly thrive.

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