Tourism Gazette

The pulse of the tourism industry

Bali Deploys Specialist Tourism Police Unit Aimed at Protecting Visitors


Bali – After highly publicized incidents involving unruly foreign tourists, Bali is setting a new tone by launching specialist police units dedicated to politely safeguarding visitors instead of demonizing them. A rigorously trained team of Bali Tourism Civil Service Police officers has commenced intensive preparatory drills this week. The initiative follows recent directives to apply harsh crackdowns on minor visitor offences that spawned negative global publicity.

Acting Governor Sang Made Mahendra Jaya ordered the new tourism police cohort to nurture and protect both domestic and international tourists through top-notch hospitality and safety consciousness. The call signifies a shift from the previous zero-tolerance stance against foreigners’ minor legal or cultural violations that spurred deportations and travel advisories. As the new police unit adopts a more nuanced, welcoming approach, the aim is to rebuild Bali’s image as a tranquil haven. Training is emphasizing positive interactions to foster goodwill through guidance instead of punishment.

Officers are practising key phrases in languages like English, Russian and Mandarin to inform visitors of local norms and defuse tensions eloquently. Proactive community engagement will further aid perceptions of Bali’s authorities as allies, not adversaries.

With tourism vital to livelihoods across Bali, the island is eager to move beyond the glaring spotlight on unruly tourist behaviour distorting its renowned openness. As the revamped tourism police unit prepares for its official debut, Bali looks towards redeeming its reputation for tolerance as much as beauty.

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