Tourism Gazette

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Alcohol Shortage in Zanzibar Threatens Vital Tourism Industry


Zanzibar – A concerning alcohol shortage has swept the idyllic spice islands of Zanzibar, disrupting tourism and sparking an economic headache.In this semi-autonomous Tanzanian archipelago, tourism accounts for over 90% of foreign revenue. Visitors flock to Zanzibar’s white sand beaches and UNESCO-listed Stone Town. But lately, finding a beer has become increasingly difficult. Supply chain issues arose last month when Zanzibar transitioned import licenses to a new company. The changeup created shortages of popular alcohol brands, nearly doubling beer prices overnight.

With bars low on stock, tourists have complained about the lack of cold refreshment in Zanzibar’s tropical heat. For a destination marketed for relaxation, the alcohol deficit is proving a buzzkill. The shortage even triggered the recent resignation of Zanzibar’s Minister of Tourism. While he cited poor working conditions, many believe the alcohol crisis also factored in.

Tourism players have urged authorities to resolve the situation before lasting damage is done. As one hotel manager said, “How can you have a beach vacation without beer? The government must act fast.” Officials are scrambling to stabilize alcohol flows via air shipments while smoothing licensing for long-term replenishment. Bars are adapting by promoting local brews like Zanzibar’s Konyagi gin.

But the dry spell emphasizes Zanzibar’s reliance on imports and need to bolster domestic production. With the right policies, the islands could even turn the alcohol shortage into an opportunity to boost made-in-Zanzibar spirits.

For now, Zanzibar’s tourism industry will need to stay resilient and innovative to keep visitors charmed. While the beer may be in short supply, Zanzibar still offers plenty to entice travelers seeking a tropical getaway.

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