Tourism Gazette

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African Airlines Stress Safety as Core Focus with Travel Demand Set to Soar


As Africa positions itself as an increasingly vital future air transport hub, airlines caution that safety cannot be compromised amid ambitious projected aviation growth. With African domestic air traffic alone expected to double by 2040, maintaining exemplary safety records remains carriers’ top overriding priority.

That theme resonated throughout the annual general assembly held this month by the African Airlines Association in Mombasa, Kenya. Member airline executives called for coordinated efforts to sustain Africa’s air safety enhancements amid surging demand.

The continent witnessed an 80 percent jump in flight departures from 2020 to 2021 as COVID subsided. But speakers emphasized that volume cannot outweigh an uncompromising safety commitment. With air transport intertwined with Africa’s broader economic and social development, passengers also rely on utmost care.

Association leaders highlighted Africa’s air accident rate now bettering global averages, reflecting diligent airline safety management maturation. Still, they noted constant vigilance remains essential given anticipated sector expansion.

As incomes and propensity for air travel rise continent-wide over forthcoming decades, balanced oversight will be vital. Aviation activity is projected to grow 6 percent yearly, with intra-Africa travel doubling by 2040 as emerged middle classes take to the skies.

That creates enormous opportunities but also obligations for African carriers and governments to implement prudent safeguards, share safety data, train personnel and keep pace with global air traffic modernization.

The African Airlines Association’s directors stressed that only through collective, transparent and harmonized efforts can world-class safety operations match ambitious aviation growth. While profitability pressures mount, upholding safety as the industry’s foundation precludes compromise.

With air transport intrinsic to unlocking Africa’s economic potential through investment, trade and tourism, passengers need assurance of secure, reliable services as networks flourish. As demand accelerates, safety rightly constitutes operators’ guiding light ensuring aviation contributes to rather than impedes the continent’s ascent.

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